


{@provide [optional parameters] }blocks{/provide}

Provide rich parameter definitions

There are a number of cases where you may want to define a value for a parameter to be more complex than just the basic forms allowed by dust; viz p="abc", p=xyz, p="{xyz}". A very common case is to want the value from a helper function like {@size} that you can pass to a partial or test. @provide lets you capture that value and reference it like a parameter.

The general form of @provide is

    {@provide [optional params]}
      main block of dust
        evaluation of this block defines a param named "block1"
        evaluation of this block defines a param named "block2"
      ... as many blocks as you need params



Find the size of an array and pass the value to a partial
  {>partial size=len /}
  {@size key=array /}

Create an ad hoc list of month numbers for a dropdown without the controller supplying them
{@provide selected=chosen}
  <select name="months">
      <option value="{.}"{@if cond="'{selected}' == '{.}'"} selected="selected"{/if}>{.}</option>

Create an ad hoc structure to pass to a partial that expects a particular structure
  {>displayAddress data=struct}
  {"street":"{homeStreet}", "city":"{homeCity}", "state": "{homeState}" }